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September 2002

Back to school signs Back to School  

It's that time of the year again. Bored youngsters have disappeared from street corners and Limavady's shopkeepers are using the opportunity to tease our local teachers, whose summer holidays are a thing of fond memories.

But not for all of them. When asked to comment, Margaret Lueg, retired, famous ex computing teacher, said: "These signs are delightful. And furthermore - now that I come to think about it, teachers' summer holidays are way too long!"

Back to school signs A new Building  

The two rather old and decrepit buildings that used to disgrace the entrance to the grounds of Christ Church have been replaced by this splendidly gleaming new edifice.

It is leased to the Tech and is already in use, witness the fact that the windows are full of notices, as is required by modern educational theory. 'Learn Direct' students are lucky to have such a nice new base.

Back to school signs And here's another one!  

What used to be Alistair Smyth's supermarket has been replaced by a large shopping complex. The first firms are currently moving in, indeed one shop has opened already. Anybody longing for exotic and colourful fowl obviously has to look no further.

The place is very large and on a rainy day makes a dry and warm shortcut to the central car park.

The Central Car Park  

This well known place is changing out of all recognition. For a while it looked like a building site, with the added excitement of a man dressed in yellow trying to catch our notoriously mean drivers parking their cars in an orderly, but unlawful manner.

Panorama shot of central car park

As can be clearly seen, the parking hasn't changed much, but new shops are springing up all over the place. Tudor, our scruffy newshound, even discovered a Dog Grooming Salon. But when he was told that they take just about any dog - rather than just Border Collies - he lost interest.

The photograph is a panoramic shot covering about 180°; ie the backs of Main Street and Market Street.

(And we still don't believe that that lorry driver bought three parking tickets!)

Yellow lines Further town improvements  

Even though the vote for the best kept small town in Northern Ireland is over (Limavady came third), the relentless drive to improve the look of the town is continuing. The roads department has kindly agreed to line most centre of town streets with two freshly painted yellow lines. This improves the look of the town from the air and provides much needed employment.

Drivers are asked not to park on any of the lines until the paint has dried.

A great big lug The Sound of Silence  

Many people in Limavady are listening in amazement to the wondrous unseasonal silence and whisper: "Do you believe it? Will it last?"

Last year around this time the valley was echoing with the explosions of fireworks and bangers thrown indiscriminately at cars, houses, people's gardens and very occasionally the empty ground. Animals were terrified and so many people got angry and complained, that the government actually decided to do something. They changed the law so that it is now much harder to sell fireworks.

So far it has worked and it is to be hoped that the silence will last. Who says government policies never work?


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Limavady signpost with a collie

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