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October 2011
Jessie the new news-houndNew News-hound works for News Browser

Regular readers will no doubt have wondered why this peculiar paper has been understaffed for so many months. Well, the worry is finally over and we are glad to present our brand new News-hound Jessie.

Jessie is still in intensive training as at the moment she doesn't even know what a  mission statement is! (editor's note: Neither does the editor). But she is showing early signs of being able to sniff out a new story and then brag about it with the best of them.

All we can do is wish her good luck and our readers lots of patience.
An old-fashioned ferryThe  'Foyle Venture' is a venture no more

As we indicated last month, the Magilligan to Greencastle Ferry has stopped operating. The firm hopes to re-start the service next January, though both Donegal and Limavady council are reluctant to advance any more money - what with the economic crisis and all!

Desperate travellers will either have to make the long journey to Greencastle by car or fall back onto more traditional modes of marine transport. Our photograph may be taken as a hint of things to come in 2012!
Jane and JimmyShould one or shouldn't one?

This little carpet with an historical theme can be admired in the Limavady Arts and Cultural Centre. Locals will instantly recognize  Jane Ross stealing the tune of Danny Boy from the blind fiddler Jimmy. On the wall behind this, there are some rather nice photographs taken in and around Limavady.

The question is of course: Is one allowed to walk over the carpet to study the exhibits or isn't one? The presence of two seating appliances in the lightest bit of the carpet would indicate that footprints are welcome. But then again, on Saturdays there is often a farmer's market outside the centre and we all know the state farmers boots can be in  . . . !?

Myroe under the RoeAfter the rains

All of Ireland has seen a lot of rain these days and the Roe Valley was no exception. As is customary on these occasions, the River Roe broke its banks and flooded a few fields, but otherwise there doesn't seem to have been much damage.

It's lucky that most of Limavady was wisely built on a hill high above the river though a few modern housing developments are located in more foolish places..



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