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March 2016

The Poseidon of the NorthHe is back!

The replacement statue for the maltreated sea god has been installed at Gortmore viewing point. Readers may remember that the original statue was stolen by people still unknown in January last year.

As soon as our reporter heard the news he raced up there to take this picture - before anybody could come and cut down the replacement statue as well. Let's hope that his haste was entirely unnecessary.

Notice the ugly staircase behind the statue. Our reporter caught his foot three times and tripped while climbing that badly designed contraption.

If any of the thieves are reading this:  Steal that staircase and not the statue!

The old orange hallTown improvements

This is all that is left of the old orange hall at the entrance to the town. It is being torn down to make way for a new modern replacement.

So yet another old Limavady building dating back to the 19th century is about to disappear.

What will they tear down next?

Ballyclose StreetTown views

As we promised last month, here is another recent street view of Limavady. Our picture was taken a week or two ago and shows the bottom of Main Street looking towards Ballyclose Street.

If you click on the picture, you should see a larger image.


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Limavady signpost with a collie

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An e-mail envelope

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