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August 2007

A thick skinned animal

The wildlife of Benevenagh

Local farmers were spotted rubbing their eyes this morning, making sure they were not still asleep and dreaming rather than driving along the Long Lane in their Landrovers. This action is understandable because it is not every day that noble Benevenagh looks down upon a wide awake Indian elephant surprising a tired Ulster farmer.

The explanation of this matter is of course very simple: the circus Sydney is in town. Usually they pitch their rather large tent in the Market Yard, but as that place is in rather a mess at the moment, they had to move out to Aghanloo.

The council should take note: the one thing which might bring thousands of tourists to the area could just be several herds of wild elephants roaming the slopes of Benevenagh!

The X-tech

Bye Bye Limavady Tech

After nearly 100 years of independence Limavady Tech has finally been forced to throw in the towel. The old place has had to agree to a merger with the North West Institute (Derry Tech). The new arrangement came about at the beginning of the month and is part of the government's reorganisation of further education in Northern Ireland.

The old tech will now be a small part of the North West Regional College and we wish them all the best for the future.

Road works

The diggers are at it again

Limavady seems to be populated by various tribes of moles these days. There are the water main moles (WMMs), the just ordinary roadworks moles (JORMs), the optical fibre moles (OFM) and now the new gas main moles (NGMMs). Our picture shows the corner of Main Street and Market Street at the beginning of the month. Very impressive.

It occurred to our editor that the powers that be could save an awful lot ot time and money if they just dug a few deep trenches through the town and left them open permanently. That way anybody that felt the need could make use of the new open trench facility (NOTF) and there would be no need ever to dig again - ever!

Inside the furniture shop

Another furniture shop closes down

Tweedy Acheson's furniture shop is having a closing down sale. The firm has been in Limavady for over sixty years and it is hard to imagine Main Street without them. The only furniture shop left in town is now O'Brien's further down the road.

Our picture shows Bobby Thompson, who has been selling things made from cloth and wood for 56 years, chatting up a prospective customer.

Ready to land

Now you see it, now you don't.

City of Derry Airport is well known to our readership: what with planes landing on the wrong airfield (link) and the authorities closing the place down for safety reasons. (link)

Strangely enough, there are still planes attempting to land at the place. This week a plane flown by a daring pilot who succesfully landed 180 dare-devil passengers at the air strip was told to wait on another runway. After 30 minutes all on board got a sort of a sinking feeling when they realised that the plane was doing just that.

There is an investigation going on into just how a plane can sink into a runway. Luckily the pilot managed to move his machine before it disappeared entirely.

Whatever will they think of next?


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Limavady signpost with a collie

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