Roe Valley News Browser
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February 1999

A short news round-up
The weather has been kinder just recently. Civic improvements are still taking place but the traffic interruptions are not as interesting before. The new leisure and sports facilities in Greystone Road are nearly finished and the Alexander Hall is still ready to fall down.

Limavady Council are soon going to have their own webpage - about time too. This is the second attempt - the first one was shot in the foot by a rogue bunch of cowboys.

Bruiser and Runt are doing well.

Limavady Rumour Mill

One of the last mills left in town. Apparently, and don't tell anyone else, A super market owner is going to buy Wellworths - why I can't imagine.

A town furniture store has been bought by a big company. They plan to knock the ramshackle building down and use the grounds to build yet another store. All this might just happen, who knows?

Cages appear overnight
Some very solid looking steel cages have appeared just outside the Court House opposite the Masonic Hall. Nobody knows their purpose, but the rumours flying around range from the sublime to the ridiculous:
  • The new initiation rites of the freemasons are even stranger than anyone thought possible.

  • This is the new Limavady jail, conveniently close to the source of most of its customers.

  • The Limavady Lions club plans a spectacular weekend show which involves large felines.

  • It is just another boring old building site.
The lion's den
Armed Robbery in Limavady
A person wielding a sawn off shotgun robbed one of the Northern Bank's customers the other day. The crime was committed in the car park behind the bank and the criminal got away either through Brian Brown's entrance into Protestant Street or through the back gardens down Annadale Lane.

Should the latter be true then he must have raced straight past the "Roe Valley News Browser's" new news-hounds Bruiser and Runt. Shame on you, boys.

The Weather
The days are getting longer, the air is warmer and although it still rains a lot, there are high hopes that it might soon stop occasionally.

However, younger visitors are still advised not to wear a rain coat if they want to look at all cool.

Country Park Museum to close
Someone in the DOE wants a workplace with a view, so the museum in the lovely old Weaving Shed has to make room for yet more offices.

The move is understandable as the ongoing conversion of the Country Park into a sort of outdoor restraining facility, by building fences everywhere and erecting lots of ugly signs, obviously generates a lot of paperwork.

The "News Browser" likes to think that the new premises will include a lecture room, where park wardens can learn the rather elementary lesson that one does not build a fence by driving four inch nails into old trees, which opens the way for all kind of tree diseases.

An office with a view

The old Weaving Shed - ex park museum.

New Website about Limavady
Star Concepts have launched a new website about Limavady. All our readers interested in the town might like to try this link. Good luck Ian.

On Saturday the 13th Limavady beat Dungannon 2:1. Very well done boys.

The reserves had a total disaster against Portadown Reserves, however. They went down 0:5.

On the 20th of this rainy month Limavady was playing against the Institute in the North-West Cup semi final. They drew 0:0.


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Limavady signpost with a collie

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