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March 2004


Building works in Limavady A good day's work.  

The many international admirers of Limavady Council's endless efforts to improve the town and slow down the traffic will be glad to know that activity has not ceased.

This view is of lower Main Street where they have just installed some new water pipes. In fact, a byproduct of the bypass has been a whole new network of blue water pipes all over the place.


Building works in Limavady Daffodil country.  

The daffodils lining both sides of the new by pass are looking splendidly cheerful. The imaginative road planner with a weakness for the colour yellow who came up with this particular idea is to be congratulated.

For those who are interested in this sort of thing: The distant trees in the top middle of the picture are part of the "Rough Fort", an ancient rath. Now that the new road has diverted all the traffic, the stone age farmstead can be easily visited.  


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Limavady signpost with a collie

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