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June 2013

The Irish Poseidon

The sculpture trail

The recent splendid weather allowed our chief reporter to visit two sites of the rather interesting sculpture trail installed by the council.

The sculpture on the left shows the sea god Manannan mac Lir - a sort of Irish Poseidon - overlooking Lough Foyle and the Atlantic ocean beyond. The fibre glass statue looks very impressive in this splendid setting.

OnCushy Glen the right is a suitably evil-looking Cushy Glen - cut-throat and highway man - who plied his  trade along the Murderhole Road.  This is where the stone statue can be found, glaring at you as you drive into the Largantea picnic area, only a few hundred yards down the road from the Murder Hole.

An information board tells the story of Cushy Glen, though the philosophical implications of the rights and wrongs of erecting a statue to a violent criminal are not discussed.

Those who would like to know more about Cushy can of course read all about it by following this link.

Three more statues  can be found in the Country Park, Dungiven and Feeny. We shall report on those as soon as we have visited them.

A herd of wild goats on Benevenagh mountain, ouside Limavady

The wild goats of Benevenagh

Regular readers of this strange publication will know that we like to keep an eye on the herd of wild goats which inhabits the slopes of Benevenagh.

We are happy to report that the animals are doing well. There is evidence of plenty of kids and we have counted at least 46 animals - possibly many more. Our photograph on the left shows only a small part of the herd.

It is strange that this year there are more white goats than before.

Sheep in the shadow of a bush

The heat wave

Summer sunshine has finally reached our weather-beaten shores! After a cold Winter and an even colder Spring, large crowds are heading to the beaches of Benone and Downhill to enjoy this over-abundance of ultra violet rays.

However, the sheep on Benevenagh have more sense  and know the value of a nice shady spot with a view!



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