Time-pass on the by-pass
As we have absolutely no astonishing or sensational news to report
whatsoever, we present a little piece of recent Limavady history.
The other day whilst strolling over the Rugby Club car park, our
editor was struck by the fact that the bypass was so well screened by
vegetation that one hardly knew it was there. Back in the office he
instructed a team of researchers to look for some older images of
said roadway. The results of this research can be seen on the right.
The top picture was taken on the 13th of November 2002 and shows
some rather hectic building activity. Experienced eyes will spot that the
bridge is in a rather vertical position. Later on they luckily decided
to build it a more horizontal direction.
The second shot shows the bypass in June 2005. The road is built,
the bridge lies reassuringly flat and there isn't a bush in sight.
The bottom shot was taken in May this year. The bridge is still
visible but the road and the traffic are well hidden by lush vegetation.
Well done some gardener or other!